Dalmatian Toadflax
Linaria dalmatica • Class B |
Family Name: | Scrophulariaceae (skrof-yoo-larr-ee-AY-see-ee) | |
Common: | Snapdragon family | |
Genus: |
Linaria (lin-AR-ee-uh) Meaning: Flax-like |
Species: |
dalmatica (dal-MAT-ih-kuh) Meaning: Of or from Dalmatia, Croatia on the Adriatic Sea |
Description: |
Dalmatian toadflax is a short-lived perennial herb that grows from 2.5 to 5 feet tall. It‘s waxy, light green, alternate leaves are heart shaped and clasp the woody branching stems. It blooms from May to August. Flowers are bright yellow, tinged with orange in the center and closely resembles a snapdragon flower. The petals have 2 lips. The upper petals have 2 lobes and the lower has 3 lobes. The root system may be as deep as six feet and may spread laterally as much as ten feet. |
Why Is it a Noxious Weed? |
Mature plants are strong competitors against native plants and other desirable species. It is a prolific seed producer and contains a poisonous glucoside which is toxic to livestock. |
Where Does it Grow? |
The plant grows along roadsides, in pastures, idle land, and rangeland, particularly in sites with coarse-textured soils. Its extensive root system allows the plant to survive in adverse soils and climatic conditions. |
Facts: |
D.T. seedlings are poor competitors for soil moisture against established plants, but once established they become extremely competitive and will significantly affect the surrounding vegetation. A mature plant can produce up to 500,000 seeds a year which are primarily dispersed by wind. |
Control Options: |
More Information: |
For more information on this noxious weed Download our Flyer or visit Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board Here. Photos by Rebecca Shoemaker, Pierce County Noxious Weed Control Board.
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