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Germinate, mature, flower, set seed and die all in one year. Has an annual cycle, and lives only one year.
Prevent from seeding
Manage seed bank in the soil by mulching and manually removing any seedlings early in the season
Mulch, plant, or hydro seed desirable vegetation.

Remember, nature abhors a vacuum! If nothing you want is growing there, something you don't want will be!

Minimize soil disturbance
Hand pull or Hoola hoe annual seedlings in spring

Mow or weed eat plants to prevent seed formation and spread

Use a weed burner to kill emergent seedlings


Spot spray or wipe newly emerged seedlings with glyphosate or acetic acid based herbicide in the spring.

Lives for 2 years. Germinates in the first year, develops a smallish plant which stores food in its roots for the first year. The second year it uses stored energy to send up a flower stalk, then bloom, set seed, and die.
Prevent from seeding
Manage seed bank in the soil by mulching and manually removing any seedlings early in the season
Mulch, plant, or hydro seed desirable vegetation.

Nature abhors a vacuum!

Minimize soil disturbance
Hand pull or Hoola hoe annual seedlings in spring

Mow or weed-eat plants to prevent seed formation and spread

Use a weed burner to kill emergent seedlings
Spot spray or wipe newly emerged seedlings with glyphosate or acetic acid based herbicide in the spring.
Lives for more than two years, continues to perennially come back from the same roots year after year.
Remove roots
Dig roots, getting as much as possible.
Mulch, plant, or hydro seed desirable vegetation.

Nature abhors a vacuum!

Minimize soil disturbance
Dig plants; remove as much root as possible. Sheet mulch: cut plant to ground & cover with 2 to 3 layers of cardboard & 4 to 6 inches of mulch. Monitor for growth around edges. Weed Burner; kill top growth repeatedly, starving out roots. Spot spray or wipe newly emerged seedlings with glyphosate or acetic acid based herbicide.

July to Sept. is most effective. Monitor for regrowth over next 2 to 5 years.
WOODY WEEDS All of the above Mulch, plant, or hydro seed desirable vegetation.
Nature abhors a vacuum!
Minimize soil disturbance
Cut down and dig out

Pull out with a weed wrench
Cut down to a single stump and paint glyphosate based herbicide on exposed wood to prevent re-growth.